Grow with Maxellco!

Grow with Maxellco!

We build and operate marketing systems that work!

Our promise is that in 90 days we will find your way to the market with our proven market validation methodology. The secret sauce includes ingenious business creativity, stunning visual communication and digital infrastructure and effective, purpose driven communication. Our goal is your success!

We believe in the successful application of business + tech + data in all of our projects! This is why we deliver more. Always.

Introducing the Maxellco Journey

Discover (cca 5 days)

When we parachute into the new project we need to profoundly understand the environment, the context, the user profiles, personas and the key business drivers. Need to set up measures on how we account for customer satisfaction and how to know if we are successful in reaching that. 


There is no time for BS*!”       Marcell Kovacs

*Business Suffocation

We document the current status of the product and service, understand the status, current and past performance and metrics. We conduct interviews with various stakeholders to distill a crystal clear image of the company’s internal possibilities. 

We conduct hands-on, action oriented and tangible market research to reinforce our knowledge on key industry trends, drivers, position, map out the value chain and identify key partners, enablers and competitors. We do not have time for BS. Our aim is to draw a realistic sales cycle, with market potentials in the respective geographies and industry segments. 

You receive an encompassing report on business potential including potential use-cases, potential markets, potential partners, costs / benefits, key messages and goals and how to reach them.

Define (cca 2 days)

Economics is the science of distributing scarce resources. Mostly time and money” 

Based on our collective internal and external inputs, together we define the core priorities, set goals and disseminate the tasks and timeline in reverse order on how to reach these targets. 

We define your unique value proposition (USP) and define the real and perceived value for your target market, segment or customer. Together we define an irresistible pricing strategy for your products/services. This could be early bird discounts (FOMO: Fear of Missing Out) or package deals to get an unfair advantage. 

Develop (cca 14 days)

We develop the entire digital infrastructure to interact with the market in the most effective and autonomous manner. This work can include website recomposition, lead generation and capturing, newsletter integrations, social media marketing and even offline installations. As the driver of your business you shall be equipped with the latest technology to reach the market and coordinate all efforts from one single dashboard. 

Besides infrastructure works, we create content, “communication bullets”, and schedule the roll-out plan for at least 1 months ahead. We need to build, and adapt our strategy based on the merciless market feedback. In light of new information we need to incorporate the messages and finetune the proposition. 

Testimony: Andrew “Wow! Excellent job, super quality and great effort. The team definitely goes the extra mile, Well done!”

Deliver (cca 67 days)

It is time to walk the talk!

We seamlessly execute the strategy as we can build on solid fundamentals. We roll out publicly the communication assets, execute the campaigns with laser sharp focus, and measure the effectiveness of our strategy. We constantly adapt and iterate to reflect market expectations in a coordinated manner. 

Check (cca 2 days)

Since we both set high expectations at the beginning of our collaboration, we need to draw conclusions from the past 3 months, with lessons learned and key findings. Since we are going to try multiple approaches to hit the market, we shall be able to point out the working methodology and tactic. Congratulations, now your business has become scalable!

We close the 90 days high intensity growth plan by proposing a 3-6-9 months scaling plan for your reference. 

Call to action:

Please let us invite you to see our references, testimonials and previous projects and ideas here,


let us invite you for a short introduction call to elaborate on the ideas together.


We are confident to bring an impact to your business in just 90 days. Let’s make it happen!